01 Glasbilder und -objekte
1.4   80 Capriccios und die Verstörungen des Selbst
Installation aus 80 Glasgemälden nach Goya, 2016
80 Capriccios
Growing up is not easy
2. She felt that there was still a physical connection to him, some frail ghost of the cord.
3. Now He was dreaming in blue.
4. It is feared that He was applauding what is soundless.
5. The strong pull of gravity increasing with every vertigo inch.
6. Look at Me!
7. “Can you hear Me” He whispered.
8. Looking down instead of looking up.
9. Three quarters over, and nothing untoward had happened.
10. A crumpled sheet of cellophane dropped into her brain.
11. She wanted nothing more to invade her.
12. In the beginning everything held promise.
13. Everything was in front of Her.
14. So mistaken are the calculations of avarice.
15. As if a virulent plague had struck, everybody was having his portrait made.
16. That’s who I am.
17. The freedom to do as I please, when I please.
18. I stand and talk with her every day.
19. The small Prince.
20. A decision which would take him into a new place
21. Their eyes met silently.
22. Balance was the problem.
23. At first he just sat there looking at the pictures.
24. An ambivalence overcame him.
25. Haze.
26. News.
27. Trans.
28. They’re attempting to terrify us by being creatures of mystery.
29. Mine. Everything I own....
30. King of all I survey.
31. She sees my freedom as sacrosanct.
32. A giant leap ....
33. The incredible lightness of air. (Homage to Joseph Cornell)
34. The air blew through him; he was open to it. He loved to be in open space, above earth, heaven above.
35. Don't touch me!!
36. Two sided.
37. Juvenescence.
38. A room of my own, alone.
39. And now, perhaps, he recognised that he had reached a point of transition, a moment of decision.
40. The relative merits of ignorance and knowledge, curiosity and blind faith.
41. All was still, everything seemed   to be asleep.
42. That's me - lightening in a bottle
43.  He could see that the climb had consequences...
44. Accelerating Next.
45. Accelerating transformation.
46. Accelerating security
47. Most of the time truth is just opinion.
48. There is the paradox of retreat.
49. I believed in, and practiced, and rewarded the concealment of errors.
50. The interior is young, enclosed, folded and overlaid. Hot.
51. How does one depict shadows
52. Boxed set.
53. I have made a very bad first impression.
54. ADVANCE to Blue.
55. Disappointment is also an epiphany.
56. Growth – Innovation – Leadership.
57. The Veronica Kiss
58. In the box
59. It was as if they were caught up in a gleeful sense of freedom.
60. Houses to Smart Cities.
61. Over inflated economy
62. In our hands.
63. Pharma to Biotech.
64. I saw a bird high up fluttering it's wings. It hovered in place.
65. Protected. Secure. Hidden. Inviolate
66. Spin.
67. Never ME!
68. Rescue bid.
69. Always the assistant to hand.
70. Everything (everybody) was only inside his head. Damn
71. The Last Leaf
72. Nose Down Streaker
73. Young Roots
74. Cut up about it
75. Really not comfy
76. Confusion  Certainty. Take this decision from me.
77. Nascent between
78. The coalition of the committed.
79. Atomic consequence
80. Blackness to Infinity
Logo Mark Angus